Sunday, May 14, 2006

May 13, 2006

Quick update from Jeannie:

Please pray that Tanaya doesn’t get discouraged because Silas won’t eat. Her milk supply has diminished by more than half, probably because she is so tired and not drinking enough. She spends all nights at the hospital with Silas. Silas sleeps on his tummy/her chest when she is in an easy chair. For the past three nights she has had a wonderful nurse that leaves them alone as much as possible and she has gotten a little sleep. She goes back to the Ronald McDonald House for short periods during the day. She is exhausted but she wants to be at each of his feedings to try to get him to nurse.

Tanaya says that Silas grins when he is sleeping and looks so cute. He sleeps a lot and when he is awake he looks around but he won’t meet her eyes. For some reason he avoids that particular stimulation. He is having an MRI on Monday to determine if there is any brain damage. On the bright side, Silas got a present with a card from Nanette today. It said, "for Silas from your girlfriend down the hall, Nanette" and it was a stuffed monkey. Too cute.

I’m going to take the three older children up to Portland to see their parents on Wednesday—God willing. Pray that they (and me) are all over their colds before they see their parents. On Thursday I will leave Jerusha with Albert at Ronald McDonald House and take Micah and Savannah with me up to Peace River, Canada, to celebrate a 25th wedding anniversary (my brother and sister-in-law) and a 65th birthday/retirement (my sister). Chuck is feeling really bad that he can’t go, but he has ranch commitments. Please pray for travel mercies and a good time with family. I’m hoping that this will be a wonderful, positive adventure for the kids. They have been having a tough time.

Nanette is doing so well she is on demand feedings instead of scheduled feedings, and she is actually nursing for some of the feedings. Tanaya says to check out her website because Joe wrote some cute stuff. I think it is . If that doesn’t work then go to the Nanette link on Silas’ site: .

Amanda got to hold Aunna for the first time today. Tanaya says Amanda was sooooooooooooo excited! Aunna is older than Silas (that is, she was born before he was, but she is about 3 months younger gestationally) and still so very tiny.

Joshua, Becky’s son, has an enlarged liver and his body is retaining fluid. Also, his tummy is rock hard, meaning his guts aren’t working at all. He is on the high frequency ventilator and he is just laying there limp. Joshua and Becky have been at Emmanuel Hospital in the NICU since January 28th. Now they aren’t even thinking of sending Joshua home. They are just trying to make him live and get back to the way he was before the surgery.


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