Tuesday, June 06, 2006

June 5, 2006

Dear Folks,

Today has been a hard day for the Kyne/Bruce household. A family at Ronald McDonald House that we became friends with lost their baby yesterday. Their little one was on ECMO when we left. Please pray for this family. We didn’t ask for permission to talk about their baby, but she has a website that you can visit. We have been weeping for them.


Silas went in for his second visit to the Pediatrician this morning. His weight gain for the past week was minimal; just three ounces in six days. It is almost impossible to keep track of what he eats because he takes little dribbles at a time over a 45-60 minute segment of time. Tanaya tries to feed him every two hours during the day. He wants to eat a little more often than he did during the night and that is exciting. Instead of going seven hours he will wake up in about four. What isn’t exciting is that he seems to be colicky, and he fusses almost constantly. It is obvious he’s in pain. He isn’t sleeping for more than a half hour at time unless he’s tummy to tummy with someone. Tanaya is trying to care for him and pump. She is exhausted. Albert helps when he is home. He has gone back to work now. I help doing what I can. The doctor has decided to try to fortify his milk again. When they did this at the hospital he vomited violently and continuously. Please pray that the fortification will work without making him sick and that he starts gaining as a normal baby should.

Silas gave us a scare tonight. He passed out. He filled his diaper and went completely limp, unconscious. He was out for about three seconds and woke up confused. His blood pressure check at the hospital earlier today showed that it was lower than his normal, so we thought that might have something to do with fainting, but the doctor said it sounded more like a seizure than a faint. We are to watch him closely. We talked to our friend whose son has seizures and she agreed that it sounded like a seizure. She advised us what to watch for. It will be hard sleeping tonight. Please pray that this was a one time occurrence and that there isn’t anything serious wrong.

Silas is looking at us intensely. Up until now he’s always had a frown but more often we are seeing pleasant expressions on his sweet little face. It is thrilling. He is also responding to us with smiles and he tries to coo. He is waving his arms and legs. He may need physical therapy at some point a few months from now but he isn’t there yet. We were thinking about taking him to a chiropractor because of how wrenched and battered he was during delivery. (I don’t know if we told everyone that two nurses were trying to push him out while the doctor pulled on him during delivery. One nurse finally climbed up on Tanaya’s bed and pushed in a way that forced him out, breaking his collarbone in the process. I wanted to kiss this wonderful lady!) I wonder how many chiropractors work on babies. Maybe somebody who is reading this can advise us.

Tanaya and Albert’s other children have a couple weeks with no school. I’m trying to think of things to do with them. I’m open to suggestions.

The Kyne’s Adult Foster Care house is going to have a final inspection on Wednesday. God has given them a breather in getting this business started by having the first potential resident change her mind. The landlord has given them a break on their rent, but the house needs to fill up quickly to pay back the money they spent restoring and refitting it, not to mention the money being spent to maintain it right now. Tanaya has several people lined up to be care givers in her absence. I’m one of them. Albert’s new twelve hour shifts mean he is only gone three days a week so he will be able to devote lots of time to the residents’ care. We are hoping that a dear friend of ours from Cowboy Church will be their first resident. Please pray that God will bless their endeavor and bring wonderful residents to this lovely home in Lake Creek.

Lisa, my daughter-in-law, is going in to be induced on Thursday. Please pray for a safe delivery for her and our grandson—we don’t know his name yet. Both grandmas get to stay with Joshua and Jasmine while new Baby Bruce makes his entry into the world. Pray for the doctor, the same one who delivered Silas. Lisa is very ready to be un-pregnant. She has been having lots of tummy ailments and some contractions to contend with.

My daughter Shahala’s tailbone is mending. Her baby was positioned in such a way that the pressure broke the bone. I’d never heard of this happening before but since it did I’ve had several people tell me of similar experiences. Please pray that it completely heals and doesn’t interfere with her baby’s delivery in late July.

Thank you so much for praying.

Love, Jeannie


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