Thursday, June 01, 2006

May 31, 2006

Dear Friends,
We are so sorry that we haven’t given you an update for so long. Things have been pretty crazy around here lately. We brought Silas home on Saturday. My friend Karen brought my car up, spent the night and drove us home the next day. Tanaya and I got only a couple hours of sleep. It was pretty awful trying to get stuff packed up, clean up our room at Ronald McDonald House, do some general clean up (everyone who stays there is required to do their part in maintaining the house), deal with our fridge and cupboard food, etc, and say goodbye to folks, and take care of our sweet baby. In addition, Tanaya still needed to spend an hour at the hospital. We had little Silas tucked into a crib all the while we were taking care of things. At one point I was giving him his bottle and, when a little stream of bubbles escaped up the nipple, he jerked and frowned mightily at the sound. After he fell asleep I ran the vacuum cleaner next to his crib and he didn’t wiggle a toe. He has an amazing sense of hearing but is so used to loud, invasive sounds from NICU machines and he seems to prefer it noisy.

The trip home was very hard on Silas, so it was hard on us too. He continued to vomit, and the car seat splayed his legs and arms like they shouldn’t be splayed. We had to stop often for stretches of time. It was one of those trips you just wish was over before it started. Tanaya and I were having a hard time getting along. Thank goodness Karen was there making hormone jokes, bless her heart! I think we were pretty worn out.

After a trial night in their house the Kyne’s decided they’d like to live with us for the time being. Isn’t it wonderful the Lord gave Chuck and me such a big house? The grandkids are already used to staying here, and it didn’t take any time at all to bundle their parents into another spare room. It does mean that life is awfully busy--and noisy. I notice that Chuck spends lots of time reading in the bathtub lately, too. I’m not sure what is going on with the kids. They love having their parents back, but Albert started work yesterday, 12 hour shifts, and Tanaya’s time is completely consumed with pumping milk and taking care of Silas. This leaves them adrift and Jo-Anne, their teacher, and I are trying to fill the gap. We are all having issues. Life certainly is complicated. Pray especially for Jo-Anne and me to be patient, compassionate and maintain discipline.
Now to talk about Silas. Tanaya is working on an update so I’ll just give you a Grandmother’s perspective. He isn’t taking in enough nourishment to grow like he should. His little arms and legs are getting thin. You wouldn’t know it by looking at those fat cheeks, though. He is a really good baby in that he doesn’t cry for ‘no’ reason and he sleeps well. But he doesn’t smile either. His blackish/greenish eyes have this serious little frown like already the world has dealt him some pretty tough blows and he isn’t sure when or where another will land. He has lots of tummy pain and obstinate burps induce vomiting. He seems to be content when his tummy is molded to somebody else’s tummy, though. One thing that he really enjoys is his bath. (This is where his Papa, Chuck, becomes Silas' hero by giving him his bath.) Still with the serious frown, he obviously takes pleasure in the warm water and the soaping, rinsing process. He doesn’t even fuss much at the cloth on his face.

Tanaya took Silas to see doctors today and must go tomorrow, too. He has several and will need to see them as often as twice a week for the time being. He will also have to go to Portland once a month for a while. Please pray for this added burden on the Kyne’s finances. Bills are
starting to pour in. Silas will be exposed to many people through these visits, as well, and his health is so fragile. Pray for protection from communicable illnesses. Also pray that his appetite increases. He will take up to two ounces at a time but sometimes brings it back up. He should be gaining an ounce a day and he has only gained two ounces in the last six days. I’ll end my communication now and I thank you all again for your faithful prayers and concern for this little man. He is already a blessing to his family. May God fulfill all his plans for Silas’ life and may He bless you wonderful pray-ers.

Love, Jeannie


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