Friday, March 23, 2007

March 23, 2007 Through the eyes of a 5 yr old.

This is just a quick note that I simply had to share. Jerusha has been quite offended that she doesn’t get mail, so after being informed that she had to write to others so that they would write her back she has dictated a couple letters to me. This one is to her Papa and Grammy unabridged:

Dear Grammy and Papa,

Could you teach me some singing and I hope I see you again. But when am I going to see you again? And I hope that we go on a walk again. And Grammy and Papa I love you. When are you coming back to see us at our house again? I miss you a lot and a lot. There is something very special for you in this envelope. It’s about singing and a lot like that. I hope we get to spend the night at your house again and I hope you spend the night at our house again . . . I mean I hope you spend the night at our house. And when are you going to come and see Silas, me, Savannah, Micah, Mommy, Daddy and the residents? I hope when you come back we’ll have a lot of fun. When are you even going to come back because I miss you soooo much. You mean a lot to me. When we come back I hope I see Joshua again because I miss him a lot and a lot. He means so much to me. I hope we can ride our bikes and bring our own bikes when we come because mine goes a lot faster than the little one at your house. I hope you will like this. I hope we get to climb our trees when we’re there ‘cause I like climbing them.

Wasps keep coming in our house and I’m glad because they eat other bugs.

[editor’s note: Jerusha was just informed of this fact after she freaked out at the wasp in our house. Then Micah said that they eat meat. . .Jerusha is now freaked out again because {GASP} “WE are meat! They will eat us!” No honey they only eat dead meat. “Then how do they eat bugs?”. . . Mom, please help me! I can’t keep going like this!!!!!. . .]

Micah keeps killing wasps in here which I don’t want him too because they eat insects but I don’t like them because they eat our meat on the table.

I love you Grammy and Papa and good-bye!

From Jerusha

To Grammy and Papa

[As dictated to Mommy by Jerusha Jeannie]


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