Saturday, November 04, 2006

Nov. 4, 2006 The saga continues.

What more could happen in the Kyne household you may ask? Could there possibly be any more adventures they could go on? Well, I for one have quit asking *if* there will be anything else and now wonder, dumbfounded, about what next lies in store for us. Before I share about the latest crisis I will start by telling of a realization I came to this evening.

As I attended Cowboy Church tonight for the first time since they left Cascade Ranch, I was moved to tears during worship. I was convicted by the lyrics in one of my favorite songs “Amazin’ Love”. Specifically the line, “It’s my joy to honor You. In all I do, I honor You.” I will humbly admit that I have been intensely angry and filled with bitterness towards the new owner of Cascade Ranch and her financial adviser/partner. I have wished unkind things to befall them in retribution for the pain and suffering they’ve caused to many of the residents of Lake Creek (most of whom are dear friends of mine).

However, the way I’ve thought about and referenced them has *NOT* been honoring to God. He, after all, is Lord of them as well as me and, as I tell my children on a daily basis, “I am the parent and I don’t need your help disciplining the other children.” I am responsible for only my own behavior and thoughts, not theirs. I am also not responsible to inform others of any one else’s shortcomings. I need to honor Him in *all* I do and, on top of that, to take joy in honoring Him. So I have now given thoughts of retaliation or vengeance over to the Lord and creator of the universe. I will leave the fate of others in His capable hands and be content with trying to reflect His grace which He has so benevolently shown me and in so doing honor Him.

On that note, Lord, please help me to learn quickly what it is You would have me learn so that the trials might ease. I am weary and long for rest. In Mathew 11:28, Your word says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” I am coming to Your feet Father, crying out at the feet of my Daddy who cares so much for His children. I am spent and wish to rest in the comfort of Your arms.

Now, the reason behind my latest plea . . .

As I was leaving Cowboy Church, I carefully strapped a sleeping Silas into his car seat and loaded up his stroller in the back of the van as I’ve done numerous times before. This time, however, the stroller flipped out as I was shutting the hatch. Since I was wearing sandals, this proved to be a grave happenstance indeed. Suffice it to say that I am pretty sure my big toe on my left foot is broken and I will probably lose the nail. I will find out tomorrow when I go in for an x-ray to make sure that my foot itself isn’t broken. After some wonderful people from my church family helped drive me and the kids to be picked up (thank-you Garth!), I went home with my parents, had a glass of wine and two Ibuprofen, the strongest medication I was willing to take without consulting the lactation consultant because Silas is still nursing, and I tried to get some sleep. The throbbing in my foot is so intense, however, that that option has been removed from the realm of possibility. Instead, I am updating everyone on the latest in the Kyne disaster saga. I’d be willing to trade places if anyone wanted to take a go at walking in my shoes for a day . . . Correction, shoe. ;-)

Now onto some good news and, yes, there is some good news to offset the bad. The paperwork is going smoothly on the purchase of our house which at the moment is in escrow. We hope to close on Dec. 1st.

We are still on schedule to go to Portland for surgery leaving in the wee hours of the morning on the 8th. (Won’t that be an interesting trip with only Silas, myself and an injured foot?!) I am planning on spending time with four other NICU kiddos (including Nanette) and their families while I’m up there. I also hope to visit with our friend, nurse Kathy and possibly take Silas to see some of the NICU staff.

Silas is doing well physically and expressing new facets of his personality daily. Thank-you Lord for the time You’ve granted us to get to know each other. It is still quite difficult dealing with the inconsolable outbursts but there are a few nights a week where nothing seems to trouble him so perhaps he is out growing them.

Both Albert’s and my backs are doing much better. I am ever so grateful that neither of us is laid up with a seriously injured back right now. My kneecap is swollen and keeps slipping, but, if I am careful with it, it should heal without incident.

And, for the big news, we are picking up a new member of our family as soon as we get back from Portland. She is a beautiful, black with white markings, Great Dane puppy. She will be about 16 weeks when we pick her up and she is gorgeous. All we have to do now is come up with a name that suits her.

The Harvest Festival at Living Waters Church was awesome again this year. The kids had a wonderful time and so did the “bigger kids”.Albert and my brother Trevor attempt to ride the kiddie train together. Looked a little dangerous to me. Watch that sword!

Trevor came as Captain Jack Sparrow and his wife Kate as a beautiful pirate wench. (On a side note, Silas looks like Trevor, even when he's making faces!)

Judah's family: Matt was dressed as a peace-loving hippie and Rachel as a mime. Together they were "Peace and Quiet". Too cute Rachel. And Asher, their little antidote to peace and quiet, was adorable as well (even if I couldn't get him to smile at me!).

Anna, Rachel's sister, managed to get a pumpkin painted on Silas' cheek. From his expression, I can assume he was as amazed as I at the exquisite artistry!

Daddy gave Mommy's back a rest and proudly held his cub for a while.

Our little bear came as a lion this year in honor of Judah.

We didn't realize, however, that Silas' cousin, Luke, had a lion costume as well!

My dad and mom managed to break away from their hectic packing to stop in and admire the grandkids' costumes.

Jasmine, Luke's big sister, made an adorable piglet and his big brother, Joshua, is ready to join the military at age 6!

Jerusha, our pink haired princess.

And our angel, Savannah.

And Micah had fun flying around the rooftops making sure the streets were safe.


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