Thursday, October 18, 2007

10-18-07 Double Trouble

Yeah! Silas has finally doubled his birth weight! Starting out at a whopping 10pounds 4oz. he was above the 100th percentile. By the time he came home from the NICU, we struggled to keep his scrawny, skin and bones body above the 1st percentile. (His length puts him almost in the 50th percentile.) Considering that the average baby will double their birth weight by four months and triple it by a year, we are ecstatic that Silas has finally doubled it at his 18month check up. Our doctor figures he is so active that he simply burns a ton more calories than most babies his age and is very pleased with his over all health. From oral aversion and stroke to overactive toddler who keeps me exhausted with all the trouble (and cupboards) he gets into… It’s Silas Charles!

By the way, Albert is considering a temporary name change; instead of being known as “Little Bear”, for the foreseeable future he is being called “Screaming Eagle”. I’ll give you one guess as to why. o-O From lungs that wouldn’t work to a scream that could shatter glass, or at least my ear drums.

P.S. I just had to post a picture sent to us from a couple of our NICU friends. I've also reposted a couple "before" pictures so that you can apreciate the "after". Remember little Aunna who was born three months early and DJ who was also a tiny preemie? Well, look at them now!!!!

This was DJ back when just suck, swallow breathe was so difficult to master...

This is Aunna when she was first born and Dustin and Amanda were told she might not make it.

This is Amanda holding Aunna when she was still so tiny that Amanda was almost scarred to breathe because she was afraid that Aunna might break.

And now the little darlins' are much bigger than Silas and just as adorable! Thank-you for the picture Trina!

One last thing, there is a new family who is getting ready to have their baby up at Legacy Emanuel and they will be staying at the Ronald McDonald House. Their baby has CDH, the same birth defect that Judah, Nanette, Joshua, Jolee, Joseph and so many others have had. Please pray that their delivery will go smoothly and that the baby's medical needs will be few. Also, Sofia (who also had CDH), has had her diaphragm re-herniate at the age of 1 and 1/2 years. Pray that her little body will heal quickly and that it won't be too traumatic for her or her family.


At 10/25/2007 2:35 PM, Blogger The Goddess G said...

WTG Silas!!!! Zak was a really big baby 10 lbs 1 ounce and it took him forever to double. And WOW on the pics. Hard to believe that's even the same baby. Truly a miracle.


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