Wednesday, February 27, 2008

02-27-08 Prayers for the Southmayds.

The medication is (so far) not stopping Rachel's labor. The doctors are administering steroids to hurry the lung development of little Josie, but she is still 7 and 1/2 weeks early. This is their 3rd pregnancy; first, they had an emergency C-section and Asher stayed in the NICU for "failure to thrive", then Judah had CDH and left their arms after only 16 days from birth, and now this. I am asking everyone I know to pray for them and their little family. It just seems so unfair.

02-27-08 PRAY! PRAY! PRAY!

PRAYER!!! Matt and Rachel (baby Judah’s parents) are pregnant and due April 15, 2008 with their little girl, Josie. Rachel has just been admitted to the hospital today and has started labor (almost 7 weeks early). The doctor’s have to wait until lab tests come back to make sure she doesn’t have some sort of infection before they will stop labor. HELP!